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Version: 4.0

MQTT Plugin


RabbitMQ supports MQTT versions 3.1, 3.1.1, and 5.0 via a plugin that ships in the core distribution.

This guide covers the following topics:

Enabling the Plugin

The MQTT plugin is included in the RabbitMQ distribution. Before clients can successfully connect, it must be enabled on all cluster nodes using rabbitmq-plugins:

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_mqtt

Supported MQTT features

RabbitMQ supports most MQTT 5.0 features including the following:

The MQTT 5.0 blog post provides a complete list of supported MQTT 5.0 features including their usage and implementation details.

MQTT clients can interoperate with other protocols. For example, MQTT publishers can send messages to AMQP 0.9.1 or AMQP 1.0 consumers if these consumers consume from a queue that is bound to the MQTT topic exchange (configured via and defaulting to amq.topic). Likewise an AMQP 0.9.1, AMQP 1.0, or STOMP publisher can send messages to an MQTT subscriber if the publisher publishes to the MQTT topic exchange.


The following MQTT features are unsupported:

The following MQTT features are supported with limitations:

  • Retained messages are stored and queried only node local. See Retained Messages and Stores.
  • Overlapping subscriptions with different QoS levels can result in duplicate messages being delivered. Applications need to account for this. For example when the same MQTT client creates a QoS 0 subscription for topic filter /sports/football/epl/# and a QoS 1 subscription for topic filter /sports/football/#, it will be delivered duplicate messages.

How the MQTT plugin works

RabbitMQ MQTT plugin targets MQTT 3.1, 3.1.1, and 5.0 supporting a broad range of MQTT clients. It also makes it possible for MQTT clients to interoperate with AMQP 0-9-1, AMQP 1.0, and STOMP clients. There is also support for multi-tenancy.

Mapping MQTT to the AMQP 0.9.1 model

RabbitMQ core implements the AMQP 0.9.1 protocol. The plugin builds on top of the AMQP 0.9.1 entities: exchanges, queues, and bindings. Messages published to MQTT topics are routed by an AMQP 0.9.1 topic exchange. MQTT subscribers consume from queues bound to the topic exchange.

The MQTT plugin creates a dedicated queue per MQTT subscriber. To be more precise, there could be 0, 1, or 2 queues per MQTT session:

  • There are 0 queues for an MQTT session if the MQTT client never sends a SUBSCRIBE packet. The MQTT client is only publishing messages.
  • There is 1 queue for an MQTT session if the MQTT client creates one or multiple subscriptions with the same QoS level.
  • There are 2 queues for an MQTT session if the MQTT client creates subscriptions with both QoS levels: QoS 0 and QoS 1.

When listing queues you will observe the queue naming pattern mqtt-subscription-<MQTT client ID>qos[0|1] where <MQTT client ID> is the MQTT client identifier and [0|1] is either 0 for a QoS 0 subscription or 1 for a QoS 1 subscription. Having a separate queue per MQTT subscriber allows every MQTT subscriber to receive its own copy of the application message.

The plugin creates queues transparently for MQTT subscribing clients. The MQTT specification does not define the concept of queues and MQTT clients are not aware that these queues exist. A queue is an implementation detail of how RabbitMQ implements the MQTT protocol.

Queue Types

An MQTT client can publish a message to any queue type. For that to work, a classic queue, quorum queue, or stream must be bound to the topic exchange with a binding key matching the topic of the PUBLISH packet.

The MQTT plugin creates a classic queue, quorum queue, or MQTT QoS 0 queue per MQTT subscriber. By default, the plugin creates a classic queue.

The plugin can be configured to create quorum queues (instead of classic queues) for subscribers whose MQTT session lasts longer than their MQTT network connection. This is explained in section Quorum Queues.

If feature flag rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue is enabled, the plugin creates an MQTT QoS 0 queue for QoS 0 subscribers whose MQTT session last as long as their MQTT network connection. This is explained in section MQTT QoS 0 queue type.

Queue Properties and Arguments

Since RabbitMQ 3.12 all queues created by the MQTT plugin

  • are durable, i.e. queue metadata is stored on disk.
  • are exclusive if the MQTT session lasts as long as the MQTT network connection. In that case, RabbitMQ will delete all state for the MQTT client - including its queue - when the network connection (and session) ends. Only the subscribing MQTT client can consume from its queue.
  • are not auto-delete. For example, if an MQTT client subscribes to a topic and subsequently unsubscribes, the queue will not be deleted. However, the queue will be deleted when the MQTT session ends.
  • have a Queue TTL set (queue argument x-expires) if the MQTT session expires eventually (i.e. session expiry is not disabled by the RabbitMQ operator, see below) and outlasts the MQTT network connection. The Queue TTL (in milliseconds) is determined by the minimum of the Session Expiry Interval (in seconds) requested by the MQTT client in the CONNECT packet and the server side configured mqtt.max_session_expiry_interval_seconds.

The default value for mqtt.max_session_expiry_interval_seconds is 86400 (1 day). A RabbitMQ operator can force all MQTT sessions to end as soon as their network connections end by setting this parameter to 0.

A RabbitMQ operator can allow MQTT sessions to last forever by setting this parameter to infinity. This carries a risk: short-lived clients that don't use clean sessions can leave queues and messages behind, which will consume resources and require manual cleanup.

RabbitMQ deletes any state for the MQTT client when the MQTT session ends. This state includes the client's queue(s) including QoS 0 and QoS 1 messages and the queue bindings (i.e. the client's subscriptions).

Topic level separator and wildcards

The MQTT protocol specification defines slash ("/") as topic level separator whereas AMQP 0-9-1 defines a dot (".") as topic level separator. This plugin translates patterns under the hood to bridge the two.

For example, MQTT topic cities/london becomes AMQP 0.9.1 topic and vice versa. Therefore, when an MQTT client publishes a message with topic cities/london, if an AMQP 0.9.1 client wants to receive that message, it should create a binding from its queue to the topic exchange with binding key

Vice versa, when an AMQP 0.9.1 client publishes a message with topic, if an MQTT client wants to receive that message, it should create an MQTT subscription with topic filter cities/london.

This has one important limitation: MQTT topics that have dots in them won't work as expected and are to be avoided, the same goes for AMQP 0-9-1 routing and binding keys that contains slashes.

Furthermore, MQTT defines the plus sign ("+") as single-level wildcard whereas AMQP 0.9.1 defines the asterisk sign ("*") to match a single word:

MQTTAMQP 0.9.1Description
/ (slash). (dot)topic level separator
+ (plus)* (asterisk)single-level wildcard (match a single word)
# (hash)# (hash)multi-level wildcard (match zero or more words)

Using Quorum Queues

Using the mqtt.durable_queue_type option, it is possible to opt in to use quorum queues for subscribers whose MQTT session lasts longer than their MQTT network connection.

This value must only be enabled for new clusters before any clients declare durable subscriptions. Since a queue type cannot be changed after declaration, if the value of this setting is changed for an existing cluster, clients with an existing durable state would run into a queue type mismatch error and fail to subscribe.

Below is a rabbitmq.conf example that opts in to use quorum queues:

# must ONLY be enabled for new clusters before any clients declare durable subscriptions
mqtt.durable_queue_type = quorum

Currently, this setting applies to all MQTT clients that:

  1. subscribe with QoS 1, and
  2. connected with a Session Expiry Interval greater than 0 (MQTT 5.0) or set CleanSession to 0 (MQTT 3.1.1)

The second condition means that the MQTT session outlasts the MQTT network connection.

While quorum queues are designed for data safety and predictable efficient recovery from replica failures, they also have downsides. A quorum queue by definition requires at least three replicas in the cluster. Therefore quorum queues take longer to declare and delete, and are not a good fit for environments with high client connection churn or environments with many (hundreds of thousands) subscribers.

Quorum queues are a great fit for a few (hundreds) longer lived clients that actually care a great deal about data safety.

MQTT QoS 0 queue type

The MQTT plugin creates an MQTT QoS 0 queue if the following three conditions are met:

  1. Feature flag rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue is enabled.
  2. The MQTT client subscribes with QoS 0.
  3. The MQTT 5.0 client connects with a Session Expiry Interval of 0, or the MQTT 3.1.1 client connects with CleanSession set to 1.

The third condition means that the MQTT session lasts only as long as the network connection.

The MQTT QoS 0 queue type can be thought of as a “pseudo” or “virtual” queue: It is very different from the other queue types (classic queues, quorum queues, and streams) in the sense that this new queue type is neither a separate Erlang process nor does it store messages on disk. Instead, this queue type is a subset of the Erlang process mailbox. MQTT messages are directly sent to the MQTT connection process of the subscribing client. In other words, MQTT messages are sent to any “online” MQTT subscribers.

It is more accurate to think of the queue being "skipped". The fact that sending messages directly to the MQTT connection process is implemented as a queue type is to simplify routing of messages and protocol interoperability, such that messages can not only be sent from the MQTT publishing connection process, but also from an AMQP 0.9.1 channel process. The latter enables sending messages from an AMQP 0.9.1, AMQP 1.0 or STOMP client directly to the MQTT subscriber connection process skipping a dedicated queue process.

The benefits of using the MQTT QoS 0 queues type are:

  1. Support for larger fanouts, e.g. sending a message from the "cloud" (RabbitMQ) to all devices (MQTT clients).
  2. Lower memory usage
  3. Lower publisher confirm latency
  4. Lower end-to-end latency

Because the MQTT QoS 0 queue type has no flow control, MQTT messages might arrive faster in the MQTT connection process mailbox than being delivered from the MQTT connection process to the MQTT subscribing client. This can happen when the network connection between MQTT subscribing client and RabbitMQ is poor or in a large fan-in scenario where many publishers overload a single MQTT subscribing client.

Overload protection

To protect against high memory usage due to MQTT QoS 0 messages piling up in the MQTT connection process mailbox, RabbitMQ intentionally drops QoS 0 messages from the MQTT QoS 0 queue if both conditions are true:

  1. the number of messages in the MQTT connection process mailbox exceeds the configured mqtt.mailbox_soft_limit (defaults to 200), and
  2. the socket sending to the MQTT client is busy (not sending fast enough due to TCP backpressure).

Note that there can be other messages in the process mailbox (e.g. applications messages sent from the MQTT subscribing client to RabbitMQ or confirmations from another queue type to the MQTT connection process) which are obviously not dropped. However, these other messages also contribute to the mqtt.mailbox_soft_limit.

Setting mqtt.mailbox_soft_limit to 0 disables the overload protection mechanism meaning QoS 0 messages are never dropped intentionally by RabbitMQ. Setting mqtt.mailbox_soft_limit to a very high value decreases the likelihood of intentionally dropping QoS 0 messages while increasing the risk of causing a cluster wide memory alarm (especially if the message payloads are large or if there are many overloaded queues of type rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue).

The mqtt.mailbox_soft_limit can be thought of a queue length limit (although not precisely because, as mentioned previously, the Erlang process mailbox can contain other messages than MQTT application messages). This is why the configuration key mqtt.mailbox_soft_limit contains the word soft. The described overload protection mechanism corresponds roughly to overflow behaviour drop-head that exists in classic queues and quorum queues.

The following Prometheus metric reported by a given RabbitMQ node shows how many QoS 0 messages were dropped in total across all queues of type rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue during the lifetime of that node:

rabbitmq_global_messages_dead_lettered_maxlen_total{queue_type="rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue",dead_letter_strategy="disabled"} 0

The Native MQTT blog post describes the MQTT QoS 0 queue type in more detail.

Users and Authentication

MQTT clients will be able to connect provided that they have a set of credentials for an existing user with the appropriate permissions.

For an MQTT connection to succeed, it must successfully authenticate and the user must have the appropriate permissions to the virtual host used by the plugin (see below).

MQTT clients can (and usually do) specify a set of credentials when they connect. The credentials can be a username and password pair, or a x.509 certificate (see below).

The plugin supports anonymous authentication but its use is highly discouraged and it is a subject to certain limitations (listed below) enforced for a reasonable level of security by default.

Users and their permissions can be managed using rabbitmqctl, management UI or HTTP API.

For example, the following commands create a new user for MQTT connections with full access to the default virtual host used by this plugin:

# username and password are both "mqtt-test"
rabbitmqctl add_user mqtt-test mqtt-test
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p "/" mqtt-test ".*" ".*" ".*"
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags mqtt-test management

Note that colons may not appear in usernames.

Local vs. Remote Client Connections

When an MQTT client provides no login credentials, the plugin uses the guest account by default which will not allow non-localhost connections. When connecting from a remote host, here are the options that make sure remote clients can successfully connect:

  • Create one or more new user(s), grant them full permissions to the virtual host used by the MQTT plugin and make clients that connect from remote hosts use those credentials. This is the recommended option.
  • Set anonymous_login_user and anonymous_login_pass to a non-guest user who has the appropriate permissions.

Anonymous Connections

MQTT supports optional authentication (clients may provide no credentials). Therefore a default set of credentials is used for anonymous connections.

The anonymous_login_user and anonymous_login_pass configuration keys are used to specify the credentials:

anonymous_login_user = some-user
anonymous_login_pass = s3kRe7

It is possible to disable anonymous connections:

mqtt.allow_anonymous = false
anonymous_login_user = none

If the mqtt.allow_anonymous key is set to false then clients must provide credentials.

The use of anonymous connections is highly discouraged and it is a subject to certain limitations (see above) enforced for a reasonable level of security by default.

Plugin Configuration

Here is a sample configuration that demonstrates a number of MQTT plugin settings:

mqtt.listeners.tcp.default = 1883
## Default MQTT with TLS port is 8883
# mqtt.listeners.ssl.default = 8883

# anonymous connections, if allowed, will use the default
# credentials specified here
mqtt.allow_anonymous = true

mqtt.vhost = / = amq.topic
mqtt.prefetch = 10
# 24 hours by default
mqtt.max_session_expiry_interval_seconds = 86400

TCP Listeners

When no configuration is specified the MQTT plugin will listen on all interfaces on port 1883 and have a default user login/passcode of guest/guest.

To change the listener port, edit your Configuration file, to contain a tcp_listeners variable for the rabbitmq_mqtt application.

For example, a minimalistic configuration file which changes the listener port to 12345 would look like:

mqtt.listeners.tcp.1 = 12345

while one which changes the listener to listen only on localhost (for both IPv4 and IPv6) would look like:

mqtt.listeners.tcp.1 =
mqtt.listeners.tcp.2 = ::1:1883

TCP Listener Options

The plugin supports TCP listener option configuration.

The settings use a common prefix, mqtt.tcp_listen_options, and control things such as TCP buffer sizes, inbound TCP connection queue length, whether TCP keepalives are enabled and so on. See the Networking guide for details.

mqtt.listeners.tcp.1 =
mqtt.listeners.tcp.2 = ::1:1883

mqtt.tcp_listen_options.backlog = 4096
mqtt.tcp_listen_options.buffer = 131072
mqtt.tcp_listen_options.recbuf = 131072
mqtt.tcp_listen_options.sndbuf = 131072

mqtt.tcp_listen_options.keepalive = true
mqtt.tcp_listen_options.nodelay = true

mqtt.tcp_listen_options.exit_on_close = true
mqtt.tcp_listen_options.send_timeout = 120

TLS Support

To use TLS for MQTT connections, TLS must be configured in the broker. To enable TLS-enabled MQTT connections, add a TLS listener for MQTT using the mqtt.listeners.ssl.* configuration keys.

The plugin will use core RabbitMQ server certificates and key (just like AMQP 0-9-1 and AMQP 1.0 listeners do):

ssl_options.cacertfile = /path/to/ca_certificate.pem
ssl_options.certfile = /path/to/server_certificate.pem
ssl_options.keyfile = /path/to/server_key.pem
ssl_options.verify = verify_peer
ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true

# default TLS-enabled port for MQTT connections
mqtt.listeners.ssl.default = 8883
mqtt.listeners.tcp.default = 1883

Note that RabbitMQ rejects SSLv3 connections by default because that protocol is known to be compromised.

See the TLS configuration guide for details.

Virtual Hosts

RabbitMQ is a multi-tenant system at the core and every connection belongs to a virtual host. Some messaging protocols have the concept of vhosts, others don't. MQTT falls into the latter category. Therefore the MQTT plugin needs to provide a way to map connections to vhosts.

The vhost option controls which RabbitMQ vhost the adapter connects to by default. The vhost configuration is only consulted if no vhost is provided during connection establishment. There are several (optional) ways to specify the vhost the client will connect to.

Port to Virtual Host Mapping

First way is mapping MQTT plugin (TCP or TLS) listener ports to vhosts. The mapping is specified thanks to the mqtt_port_to_vhost_mapping global runtime parameter. Let's take the following plugin configuration:

mqtt.listeners.tcp.1 = 1883
mqtt.listeners.tcp.2 = 1884

mqtt.listeners.ssl.1 = 8883
mqtt.listeners.ssl.2 = 8884

# (other TLS settings are omitted for brevity)

mqtt.vhost = /

Note the plugin listens on ports 1883, 1884, 8883, and 8884. Imagine you want clients connecting to ports 1883 and 8883 to connect to the vhost1 virtual host, and clients connecting to ports 1884 and 8884 to connect to the vhost2 virtual host. A port-to-vhost mapping can be created by setting the mqtt_port_to_vhost_mapping global parameter with rabbitmqctl:

rabbitmqctl set_global_parameter mqtt_port_to_vhost_mapping \
'{"1883":"vhost1", "8883":"vhost1", "1884":"vhost2", "8884":"vhost2"}'

If there's no mapping for a given port (because the port cannot be found in the mqtt_port_to_vhost_mapping global parameter JSON document or if the global parameter isn't set at all), the plugin will try to extract the virtual host from the username (see below) and will ultimately use the vhost plugin config option.

The broker queries the mqtt_port_to_vhost_mapping global parameter value at connection time. If the value changes, connected clients are not notified or disconnected. They need to reconnect to switch to a new virtual host.

Virtual Host as Part of Username

Another and more specific way to specify a vhost while connecting is to prepend the vhost to the username and to separate with a colon.

For example, connecting with


is equivalent to the default vhost and username, while


means connecting to the vhost mqtt-host with username mqtt-username.

Specifying the virtual host in the username takes precedence over the port-to-vhost mapping specified with the mqtt_port_to_vhost_mapping global parameter.

Authentication with TLS/x509 client certificates

The plugin can authenticate TLS-enabled connections by extracting a name from the client's TLS (x509) certificate, without using a password.

For safety the server must be configured with the TLS options fail_if_no_peer_cert set to true and verify set to verify_peer, to force all TLS clients to have a verifiable client certificate.

To switch this feature on, set ssl_cert_login to true for the rabbitmq_mqtt application. For example:

mqtt.ssl_cert_login = true

By default this will set the username to an RFC4514-ish string form of the certificate's subject's Distinguished Name, similar to that produced by OpenSSL's "-nameopt RFC2253" option.

To use the Common Name instead, add:

ssl_cert_login_from = common_name

to your configuration.

Note that:

  • The authenticated user must exist in the configured authentication / authorisation backend(s).
  • Clients must not supply username and password.

You can optionally specify a virtual host for a client certificate by using the mqtt_default_vhosts global runtime parameter. The value of this global parameter must contain a JSON document that maps certificates' subject's Distinguished Name to their target virtual host. Let's see how to map 2 certificates, O=client,CN=guest and O=client,CN=rabbit, to the vhost1 and vhost2 virtual hosts, respectively.

Global parameters can be set up with using the following methods:

rabbitmqctl set_global_parameter mqtt_default_vhosts \
'{"O=client,CN=guest": "vhost1", "O=client,CN=rabbit": "vhost2"}'

Note that:

  • If the virtual host for a certificate cannot be found (because the certificate subject's DN cannot be found in the mqtt_default_vhosts global parameter JSON document or if the global parameter isn't set at all), the virtual host specified by the vhost plugin config option will be used.
  • The broker queries the mqtt_default_vhosts global parameter value at connection time. If the value changes, connected clients are not notified or disconnected. They need to reconnect to switch to a new virtual host.
  • The certificate-to-vhost mapping with the mqtt_default_vhosts global parameter is considered more specific than the port-to-vhost mapping with the mqtt_port_to_vhost_mapping global parameter and so takes precedence over it.

Usage of client_id Extraction from Client Certificates for Authentication

Nodes can be configured to verify that the client_id set on the MQTT connection matches the client_id found in the client's certificate.

If they match, RabbitMQ proceeds with the user's authentication by passing the user's identity along with the client_id to the configured authentication backend(s). Some authentication backends, like the rabbitmq_auth_backend_http, may use client_id credential in addition to username to make authentication and/or authorization decisions. If the client_id(s) did not match, RabbitMQ closes the connection with the reason code 2, meaning, "the client identifier is not allowed by the server".

In order to do so, RabbitMQ must first be instructed how to fetch the client_id from the certificate. This is done with the mqtt.ssl_cert_client_id_from configuration key. The acceptable values are:

  • distinguished_name: this is the DN, or distinguished name, of the certificate
  • subject_alternative_name: the Subject Alternative Name or SAN, which comes from a certificate's extensions section Because different ypes of Subject Alternative Names exist, the type may need to be specified as well

If mqtt.ssl_cert_client_id_from is set to subject_alternative_name, the type of alternative name can be configured using mqtt.ssl_cert_client_id_san_type. The default type, used if the setting is omitted, is dns. The acceptable values are:

  • dns
  • ip
  • email
  • uri
  • other_name

A certificate can contain multiple SAN fields of the same type, for example, two alternative DNS names. If this is the case, use the mqtt.ssl_cert_client_id_san_index configuration key to specify the index to be used. By default, RabbitMQ will pick the first value, that is, the default value of mqtt.ssl_cert_client_id_san_index is 0.

Below an example where the username is extracted from the certificate's distinguished name and the client_id is extracted from the first SAN (Subject Alternative Name) of type uri:

ssl_cert_login_from = distinguished_name
mqtt.ssl_cert_client_id_from = subject_alternative_name
mqtt.ssl_cert_client_id_san_type = uri

Flow Control

The prefetch option controls the maximum number of unacknowledged PUBLISH packets with QoS=1 that will be delivered. This option is interpreted in the same way as consumer prefetch.

An MQTT 5.0 client can define a lower number by setting Receive Maximum in the CONNECT packet.

Custom Exchanges

The exchange option determines which exchange messages from MQTT clients are published to. The exchange must be created before clients publish any messages. The exchange is expected to be a topic exchange.

The default topic exchange amq.topic is pre-declared: It therefore exists when RabbitMQ is started.

Retained Messages and Stores

The plugin supports retained messages with the limitations described in this section. The message store implementation is pluggable and the plugin ships with two implementation out of the box:

  • ETS-based (in memory), implemented in module rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store_ets
  • DETS-based (on disk), implemented in module rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store_dets

Both implementations have limitations and trade-offs. With the first one, the maximum number of messages that can be retained is limited by RAM. With the second one, there is a limit of 2 GB per vhost. Both are node-local: Retained messages are neither replicated to nor queried from remote cluster nodes.

An example that works is the following: An MQTT Client publishes a retained message to node A with topic topic/1. Thereafter another client subscribes with topic filter topic/1 on node A. The new subscriber will receive the retained message.

However, if a client publishes a retained message on node A and another client subsequently subscribes on node B, that subscribing client will not receive any retained message stored on node A.

Furthermore, if the topic filter contains wildcards (the multi-level wildcard character “#” or the single-level wildcard character “+”), no retained messages are sent.

To configure the store, use the mqtt.retained_message_store configuration key:

## use DETS (disk-based) store for retained messages
mqtt.retained_message_store = rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store_dets
## only used by DETS store (in milliseconds)
mqtt.retained_message_store_dets_sync_interval = 2000

The value must be a module that implements the store:

  • rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store_ets for RAM-based
  • rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store_dets for disk-based (This is the default value.)

These implementations are suitable for development but sometimes won't be for production needs. The MQTT specification does not define consistency or replication requirements for retained message stores, therefore RabbitMQ allows for custom ones to meet the consistency and availability needs of a particular environment. For example, stores based on Riak and Cassandra would be suitable for most production environments as those data stores provide tunable consistency.

Message stores must implement the rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store behaviour.



This plugin emits the Prometheus metrics listed in Global Counters.

The values for Prometheus label protocol are mqtt310, mqtt311, and mqtt50 depending on whether the MQTT client uses MQTT 3.1, MQTT 3.1.1, or MQTT 5.0.

The values for Prometheus label queue_type are rabbit_classic_queue, rabbit_quorum_queue, and rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue depending on the queue type the MQTT client consumes from. (Note that MQTT clients never consume from streams directly although they can publish messages to streams.)

RabbitMQ Management API

The Management API delivers metrics for MQTT Connections (e.g. network traffic from / to client) and for Classic Queues and Quorum Queues (e.g. how many messages they contain). However, Management API metrics that are tied to AMQP 0.9.1 channels, e.g message rates, are not available since 3.12.

Performance and Scalability Check List

MQTT is the standard protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT). A common IoT workload is that many MQTT devices publish sensor data periodically to the MQTT broker. There could be hundreds of thousands, sometimes even millions of IoT devices that connect to the MQTT broker. The blog post Native MQTT demonstrates performance benchmarks of such workloads.

This section aims at providing a non-exhaustive checklist with tips and tricks to configure RabbitMQ as an efficient MQTT broker that supports many client connections:

  1. Set management_agent.disable_metrics_collector = true to disable metrics collection in the Management plugin. The RabbitMQ Management plugin has not been designed for excessive metrics collection. In fact, metrics delivery via the management API is deprecated. Instead, use a tool that has been designed for collecting and querying a huge number of metrics: Prometheus.
  2. MQTT packets and subscriptions with QoS 0 provide much better performance than QoS 1. Unlike AMQP 0.9.1 and AMQP 1.0, MQTT is not designed to maximise throughput: For example, there are no multi-acks. Every PUBLISH packet with QoS 1 needs to be acknowledged individually.
  3. Decrease TCP buffer sizes as described in section TCP Listener Options.

This substantially reduces memory usage in environments with many concurrently connected clients.

  1. Less topic levels (in an MQTT topic and MQTT topic filter) perform better than more topic levels. For example, prefer to structure your topic as city/name instead of continent/country/city/name, if possible. Each topic level in a topic filter currently creates its own entry in the database used by RabbitMQ. Therefore, creating and deleting many subscriptions will be faster when there are fewer topic levels. Also, routing messages with fewer topic levels is faster.
  2. In workloads with high subscription churn, increase Mnesia configuration parameter dump_log_write_threshold (e.g. RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS="-mnesia dump_log_write_threshold 20000")
  3. When connecting many clients, increase the maximum number of Erlang processes (e.g. RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS="+P 10000000) and the maximum number of open ports (e.g. ERL_MAX_PORTS=10000000).

Consult the Networking and Configuration guides for more information.

Proxy Protocol

The MQTT plugin supports the proxy protocol. This feature is disabled by default, to enable it for MQTT clients:

mqtt.proxy_protocol = true

See the Networking Guide for more information about the proxy protocol.

Sparkplug Support

Sparkplug is a specification that provides guidance for the design of an MQTT system. In Sparkplug, MQTT topics must start with spAvM.N or spBvM.N, where M and N are integers. This unfortunately conflicts with the way the RabbitMQ MQTT plugin translates MQTT topics into AMQP 0.9.1 routing keys.

To solve this, the sparkplug configuration entry can be set to true:

mqtt.sparkplug = true

When the Sparkplug support is enabled, the MQTT plugin will not translate the spAvM.N/spBvM.N part of the names of topics.


QoS 2 is Not Supported

QoS 2 subscriptions will be treated as if they were QoS 1 subscriptions.

Overlapping Subscriptions

Overlapping subscriptions from the same client (e.g. /sports/football/epl/# and /sports/football/#) can result in duplicate messages being delivered. Applications need to account for this.

Retained Message Stores

See Retained Messages above. Different retained message stores have different benefits, trade-offs, and limitations.

Disabling the Plugin

Before the plugin is disabled on a node, or a node removed from the cluster, it must be decommissioned using rabbitmqctl:

rabbitmqctl decommission_mqtt_node <node>;

Retained Messages and Stores

The plugin supports retained messages. Message store implementation is pluggable and the plugin ships with two implementation out of the box:

  • ETS-based (in memory), implemented in the rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store_ets module
  • DETS-based (on disk), implemented in the rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store_dets

Both implementations have limitations and trade-offs. With the first one, maximum number of messages that can be retained is limited by RAM. With the second one, there is a limit of 2 GB per vhost. Both are node-local (messages retained on one broker node are not replicated to other nodes in the cluster).

To configure the store, use rabbitmq_mqtt.retained_message_store configuration key:

mqtt.allow_anonymous                     = true
mqtt.vhost = / = amq.topic
mqtt.max_session_expiry_interval_seconds = 1800
mqtt.prefetch = 10

## use DETS (disk-based) store for retained messages
mqtt.retained_message_store = rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store_dets
## only used by DETS store
mqtt.retained_message_store_dets_sync_interval = 2000

mqtt.listeners.ssl = none
mqtt.listeners.tcp.default = 1883

The value must be a module that implements the store:

  • rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store_ets for RAM-based
  • rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store_dets for disk-based

These implementations are suitable for development but sometimes won't be for production needs. MQTT 3.1 specification does not define consistency or replication requirements for retained message stores, therefore RabbitMQ allows for custom ones to meet the consistency and availability needs of a particular environment. For example, stores based on Riak and Cassandra would be suitable for most production environments as those data stores provide tunable consistency.

Message stores must implement the rabbit_mqtt_retained_msg_store behaviour.