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Version: 4.0


What is a Stream

RabbitMQ Streams is a persistent replicated data structure that can complete the same tasks as queues: they buffer messages from producers that are read by consumers. However, streams differ from queues in two important ways: how messages are stored and consumed.

Streams model an append-only log of messages that can be repeatedly read until they expire. Streams are always persistent and replicated. A more technical description of this stream behavior is “non-destructive consumer semantics”.

To read messages from a stream in RabbitMQ, one or more consumers subscribe to it and read the same messages as many times as they want.

Data in a stream can be used via a RabbitMQ client library or through a dedicated binary protocol plugin and associated client(s). The latter option is highly recommended as it provides access to all stream-specific features and offers best possible throughput (performance).

Now, you might be asking the following questions:

  • Do streams replace queues then?
  • Should I move away from using queues?

To answer these questions, streams were not introduced to replace queues but to complement them. Streams open up many opportunities for new RabbitMQ use cases which are described in Use Cases for Using Streams.

The following information details streams usage, and the administration and maintenance operations for streams.

You should also review the stream plugin information to learn more about the usage of streams with the binary RabbitMQ Stream protocol and the stream core and stream plugin comparison page for the feature matrix.

Use Cases for Using Streams

Streams were developed to initially cover 4 messaging use-cases that existing queue types either can not provide or provide with downsides:

  1. Large fan-outs

    When wanting to deliver the same message to multiple subscribers users currently have to bind a dedicated queue for each consumer. If the number of consumers is large this becomes potentially inefficient, especially when wanting persistence and/or replication. Streams will allow any number of consumers to consume the same messages from the same queue in a non-destructive manner, negating the need to bind multiple queues. Stream consumers will also be able to read from replicas allowing read load to be spread across the cluster.

  2. Replay (Time-travelling)

    As all current RabbitMQ queue types have destructive consume behaviour, i.e. messages are deleted from the queue when a consumer is finished with them, it is not possible to re-read messages that have been consumed. Streams will allow consumers to attach at any point in the log and read from there.

  3. Throughput Performance

    No persistent queue types are able to deliver throughput that can compete with any of the existing log based messaging systems. Streams have been designed with performance as a major goal.

  4. Large backlogs

    Most RabbitMQ queues are designed to converge towards the empty state and are optimised as such and can perform worse when there are millions of messages on a given queue. Streams are designed to store larger amounts of data in an efficient manner with minimal in-memory overhead.

How to Use RabbitMQ Streams

An AMQP 0.9.1 client library that can specify optional queue and consumer arguments will be able to use streams as regular AMQP 0.9.1 queues.

Just like queues, streams have to be declared first.

Declaring a RabbitMQ Stream

To declare a stream, set the x-queue-type queue argument to stream (the default is classic). This argument must be provided by a client at declaration time; it cannot be set or changed using a policy. This is because policy definition or applicable policy can be changed dynamically but queue type cannot. It must be specified at the time of declaration.

The following snippet shows how to create a stream with the AMQP 0.9.1 Java client:

ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
Connection connection = factory.newConnection();
Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
true, // durable
false, false, // not exclusive, not auto-delete
Collections.singletonMap("x-queue-type", "stream")

Declaring a queue with an x-queue-type argument set to stream will create a stream with a replica on each configured RabbitMQ node. Streams are quorum systems so uneven cluster sizes is strongly recommended.

A stream remains an AMQP 0.9.1 queue, so it can be bound to any exchange after its creation, just as any other RabbitMQ queue.

If declaring using management UI, the stream type must be specified using the queue type drop down menu.

Streams support additional queue arguments that also can be configured using a policy

  • x-max-length-bytes

Sets the maximum size of the stream in bytes. See retention. Default: not set.

  • x-max-age

Sets the maximum age of the stream. See retention. Default: not set.

  • x-stream-max-segment-size-bytes

Unit: bytes.

A stream is divided up into fixed size segment files on disk. This setting controls the size of these. Default: (500000000 bytes).

While this argument can be configured via a policy, it will only be applied to the stream if the policy is set (exists) at stream declaration time. If this argument is changed for a matching but pre-existing stream it will not be changed even if the effective policy of the queue record may indicate it is.

Hence it is best to only configure this via an option queue argument, x-stream-filter-size-bytes.


While x-stream-filter-size-bytes can be configured via a policy, it will only be applied to the stream if the policy exists at stream declaration time

The following example in Java demonstrates how the argument can be set at stream declaration time in application code:

Map<String, Object> arguments = new HashMap<>();
arguments.put("x-queue-type", "stream");
arguments.put("x-max-length-bytes", 20_000_000_000); // maximum stream size: 20 GB
arguments.put("x-stream-max-segment-size-bytes", 100_000_000); // size of segment files: 100 MB
true, // durable
false, false, // not exclusive, not auto-delete

The value is set in bytes.

The size of the Bloom filter used for filtering. The value must be between 16 and 255. Default: 16.

Client Operations


As streams never delete any messages, any consumer can start reading/consuming from any point in the log. This is controlled by the x-stream-offset consumer argument. If it is unspecified the consumer will start reading from the next offset written to the log after the consumer starts. The following values are supported:

  • first - start from the first available message in the log
  • last - this starts reading from the last written "chunk" of messages (a chunk is the storage and transportation unit used in streams, put simply it is a batch of messages made of several to a few thousands of messages, depending on the ingress)
  • next - same as not specifying any offset
  • Offset - a numerical value specifying an exact offset to attach to the log at. If this offset does not exist it will clamp to either the start or end of the log respectively.
  • Timestamp - a timestamp value specifying the point in time to attach to the log at. It will clamp to the closest offset, if the timestamp is out of range for the stream it will clamp either the start or end of the log respectively. With AMQP 0.9.1, the timestamp used is POSIX time with an accuracy of one second, that is the number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, 1970-01-01. Be aware consumers can receive messages published a bit before the specified timestamp.
  • Interval - a string value specifying the time interval relative to current time to attach the log at. Uses the same specification as x-max-age (see Retention)

The following snippet shows how to use the first offset specification:

channel.basicQos(100); // QoS must be specified
Collections.singletonMap("x-stream-offset", "first"), // "first" offset specification
(consumerTag, message) -> {
// message processing
// ...
channel.basicAck(message.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); // ack is required
consumerTag -> { });

The following snippet shows how to specify a specific offset to consume from:

channel.basicQos(100); // QoS must be specified
Collections.singletonMap("x-stream-offset", 5000), // offset value
(consumerTag, message) -> {
// message processing
// ...
channel.basicAck(message.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); // ack is required
consumerTag -> { });

The following snippet shows how to specify a specific timestamp to consume from:

// an hour ago
Date timestamp = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 60 * 60 * 1_000)
channel.basicQos(100); // QoS must be specified
Collections.singletonMap("x-stream-offset", timestamp), // timestamp offset
(consumerTag, message) -> {
// message processing
// ...
channel.basicAck(message.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); // ack is required
consumerTag -> { });

Other Stream Operations

The following operations can be used in a similar way to classic and quorum queues but some have some queue specific behaviour.

Single Active Consumer Feature for Streams

Single active consumer for streams is a feature available in RabbitMQ 3.11 and more. It provides exclusive consumption and consumption continuity on a stream. When several consumer instances sharing the same stream and name enable single active consumer, only one of these instances will be active at a time and so will receive messages. The other instances will be idle.

The single active consumer feature provides 2 benefits:

  • Messages are processed in order: there is only one consumer at a time.
  • Consumption continuity is maintained: a consumer from the group will take over if the active one stops or crashes.

A blog post provides more details on single active consumer for streams.

Super Streams

Super streams are a way to scale out by partitioning a large stream into smaller streams. They integrate with single active consumer to preserve message order within a partition. Super streams are available starting with RabbitMQ 3.11.

A super stream is a logical stream made of individual, regular streams. It is a way to scale out publishing and consuming with RabbitMQ Streams: a large logical stream is divided into partition streams, splitting up the storage and the traffic on several cluster nodes.

A super stream remains a logical entity: applications see it as one “large” stream, thanks to the smartness of client libraries. The topology of a super stream is based on the AMQP 0.9.1 model, that is exchange, queues, and bindings between them.

It is possible to create the topology of a super stream with any AMQP 0.9.1 library or with the management plugin, it requires to create a direct exchange, the "partition" streams, and bind them together. It may be easier to use the rabbitmq-streams add_super_stream command though. Here is how to use it to create an invoices super stream with 3 partitions:

rabbitmq-streams add_super_stream invoices --partitions 3

Use rabbitmq-streams add_super_stream --help to learn more about the command.

Super streams add complexity compared to individual streams, so they should not be considered the default solution for all use cases involving streams. Consider using super streams only if you are sure you reached the limits of individual streams.

A blog post provides an overview of super streams.


RabbitMQ Stream provides a server-side filtering feature that avoids reading all the messages of a stream and filtering only on the client side. This helps to save network bandwidth when a consuming application needs only a subset of messages, e.g. the messages from a given geographical region.

Stream filtering is supported with the stream protocol, AMQP 0.9.1, and STOMP. Examples will be using AMQP 0.9.1.

A message must be published with an associated filter value for the filtering feature to work. This value is specified with the x-stream-filter-value header:

"", // default exchange
new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder()
"x-stream-filter-value", "california" // set filter value

A consumer must use the x-stream-filter argument if it wants to receive only messages for a given filter value:

channel.basicQos(100); // QoS must be specified
Collections.singletonMap("x-stream-filter", "california"), // set filter
(consumerTag, message) -> {
Map<String, Object> headers = message.getProperties().getHeaders();
// there must be some client-side filter logic
if ("california".equals(headers.get("x-stream-filter-value"))) {
// message processing
// ...
channel.basicAck(message.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); // ack is required
consumerTag -> { });

As shown in the snippet above, there must be some client-side filtering logic as well because server-side filtering is probabilistic: messages that do not match the filter value can still be sent to the consumer. The server uses a Bloom filter, a space-efficient probabilistic data structure, where false positives are possible. Despite this, the filtering saves some bandwidth, which is its primary goal.

Additional notes on filtering:

  • It is possible to publish messages with and without a filter value in the same stream.
  • Messages without a filter value are not sent when a filter is set by a consumer. Set the x-stream-match-unfiltered argument to true to change this behavior and receive unfiltered messages as well.
  • The x-stream-filter consumer argument accepts a string but also an array of strings to receive messages for different filter values.

A first blog post provides an overview of stream filtering and a second blog post covers internals.

Feature Comparison: Regular Queues versus Streams

Streams are not really queues in the traditional sense and thus do not align very closely with AMQP 0.9.1 queue semantics. Many features that other queue types support are not supported and will never be due to the nature of the queue type.

An AMQP 0.9.1 client library that can use regular queues will be able to use streams as long as it uses consumer acknowledgements.

Many features will never be supported by streams due to their non-destructive read semantics.

Feature Matrix

Non-durable queuesyesno
Per message persistenceper messagealways
Membership changesautomaticmanual
TTLyesno (but see Retention)
Queue length limitsyesno (but see Retention)
Keeps messages in memorysee Classic Queuesnever
Message priorityyesno
Consumer priorityyesno
Dead letter exchangesyesno
Adheres to policiesyes(see Retention)
Reacts to memory alarmsyesno (uses minimal RAM)
Poison message handlingnono
Global QoS Prefetchyesno

Non-durable Queues

Streams are always durable per their assumed use cases, they cannot be non-durable like regular queues.


Streams are always durable per their assumed use cases, they cannot be exclusive like regular queues. They are not meant to be used as temporary queues.

Global QoS

Streams do not support global QoS prefetch where a channel sets a single prefetch limit for all consumers using that channel. If an attempt is made to consume from a stream from a channel with global QoS enabled a channel error will be returned.

Use per-consumer QoS prefetch, which is the default in several popular clients.

Data Retention

Streams are implemented as an immutable append-only disk log. This means that the log will grow indefinitely until the disk runs out. To avoid this undesirable scenario it is possible to set a retention configuration per stream which will discard the oldest data in the log based on total log data size and/or age.

There are two parameters that control the retention of a stream. These can be combined. These are either set at declaration time using a queue argument or as a policy which can be dynamically updated.

  • max-age:

    valid units: Y, M, D, h, m, s

    e.g. 7D for a week

  • max-length-bytes:

    the max total size in bytes

NB: retention is evaluated on per segment basis so there is one more parameter that comes into effect and that is the segment size of the stream. The stream will always leave at least one segment in place as long as the segment contains at least one message. When using broker-provided offset-tracking, offsets for each consumer are persisted in the stream itself as non-message data.

Performance Characteristics

As streams persist all data to disks before doing anything it is recommended to use the fastest disks possible.

Due to the disk I/O-heavy nature of streams, their throughput decreases as message sizes increase.

Just like quorum queues, streams are also affected by cluster sizes. The more replicas a stream has, the lower its throughput generally will be since more work has to be done to replicate data and achieve consensus.

Controlling the Initial Replication Factor

The x-initial-cluster-size queue argument controls how many rabbit nodes the initial stream cluster should span.

Managing Stream Replicas

Replicas of a stream are explicitly managed by the operator. When a new node is added to the cluster, it will host no stream replicas unless the operator explicitly adds it to a replica set of a stream.

When a node has to be decommissioned (permanently removed from the cluster), it must be explicitly removed from the replica list of all streams it currently hosts replicas for.

Two CLI commands are provided to perform the above operations, rabbitmq-streams add_replica and rabbitmq-streams delete_replica:

rabbitmq-streams add_replica [-p <vhost>] <stream-name> <node>
rabbitmq-streams delete_replica [-p <vhost>] <stream-name> <node>

To successfully add and remove replicas the stream coordinator must be available in the cluster.

Care needs to be taken not to accidentally make a stream unavailable by losing the quorum whilst performing maintenance operations that involve membership changes.

Because the stream membership isn't embedded in the stream itself adding a replica cannot be made entirely safe at the current time. Hence if there at any time is an out of sync replica another replica cannot be added and an error will be returned.

When replacing a cluster node, it is safer to first add a new node, wait for it to become in-sync and then de-commission the node it replaces.

The replication status of a stream can be queried using the following command:

rabbitmq-streams stream_status [-p <vhost>] <stream-name>

In addition streams can be restarted using:

rabbitmq-streams restart_stream [-p <vhost>] <stream-name>

Stream Behaviour

Every stream has a primary writer (the leader) and zero or more replicas.

Leader Election and Failure Handling

When a new stream is declared, the set of nodes that will host its replicas is randomly picked, but will always include the node the client that declares the stream is connected to.

Which replica becomes the initial leader is controlled in three ways, namely, using the x-queue-leader-locator optional queue argument, setting the queue-leader-locator policy key or by defining the queue_leader_locator key in the configuration file. Here are the possible values:

  • client-local: Pick the node the client that declares the stream is connected to. This is the default value.
  • balanced: If there are overall less than 1000 queues (classic queues, quorum queues, and streams), pick the node hosting the minimum number of stream leaders. If there are overall more than 1000 queues, pick a random node.

A stream requires a quorum of the declared nodes to be available to function. When a RabbitMQ node hosting a stream's leader fails or is stopped another node hosting one of that stream's replica will be elected leader and resume operations.

Failed and rejoining replicas will re-synchronise ("catch up") with the leader. Similarly to quorum queues queues, a temporary replica failure does not require a full re-synchronization from the currently elected leader. Only the delta will be transferred if a re-joining replica is behind the leader. This "catching up" process does not affect leader availability.

Replicas must be explicitly added. When a new replica is added, it will synchronise the entire stream state from the leader, similarly to newly added quorum queue replicas.

Fault Tolerance and Minimum Number of Replicas Online

Consensus systems can provide certain guarantees with regard to data safety. These guarantees do mean that certain conditions need to be met before they become relevant such as requiring a minimum of three cluster nodes to provide fault tolerance and requiring more than half of members to be available to work at all.

Failure tolerance characteristics of clusters of various size can be described in a table:

Cluster node countTolerated number of node failuresTolerant to a network partition
10not applicable
41yes if a majority exists on one side
62yes if a majority exists on one side
83yes if a majority exists on one side

Data Safety when using Streams

Streams replicate data across multiple nodes and publisher confirms are only issued once the data has been replicated to a quorum of stream replicas.

Streams always store data on disk, however, they do not explicitly flush (fsync) the data from the operating system page cache to the underlying storage medium, instead they rely on the operating system to do as and when required. This means that an uncontrolled shutdown of a server could result in data loss for replicas hosted on that node. Although theoretically this opens up the possibility of confirmed data loss, the chances of this happening during normal operation is very small and the loss of data on a single node would typically just be re-replicated from the other nodes in the system.

If more data safety is required then consider using quorum queues instead as no publisher confirms are issued until at least a quorum of nodes have both written and flushed the data to disk.

No guarantees are provided for messages that have not been confirmed using the publisher confirm mechanism. Such messages could be lost "mid-way", in an operating system buffer or otherwise fail to reach the stream leader.

Stream Availability

A stream should be able to tolerate a minority of stream replicas becoming unavailable with no or little effect on availability.

Note that depending on the partition handling strategy used RabbitMQ may restart itself during recovery and reset the node but as long as that does not happen, this availability guarantee should hold true.

For example, a stream with three replicas can tolerate one node failure without losing availability. A stream with five replicas can tolerate two, and so on.

If a quorum of nodes cannot be recovered (say if 2 out of 3 RabbitMQ nodes are permanently lost) the queue is permanently unavailable and will most likely need operator involvement to be recovered.

Configuring Streams

For stream protocol port, TLS and other configuration, see the Stream plugin guide. For required stream replication ports see the Networking guide.

How Streams Use Resources

Streams usually will have lower CPU and memory footprint than quorum queues.

All data is stored on disk with only unwritten data stored in memory.

Offset Tracking when using Streams

When using the broker provided offset tracking features (currently only available when using the Stream plugin) offsets are persisted in the stream itself as non-message data. This means that as offset persistence is requested the stream will grow on disk by some small amount per offset persistence request.


Message Encoding

Streams internally store their messages as AMQP 1.0 encoded data. This means when publishing using AMQP 0.9.1 a conversion takes place. Although the AMQP 1.0 data model is mostly capable of containing all of AMQP 0.9.1's data model there are some limitations. If an AMQP 0.9.1 message contains header entries with complex values such as arrays or tables these headers will not be converted. That is because headers are stored as application properties inside the AMQP 1.0 message and these can only contain values of simple types, such as strings and numbers.

UI Metric Accuracy

Management UI can show a message count that slightly exceeds the actual count in the stream. Due to the way stream storage is implemented, offset tracking information is also counted as messages, making the message count artificially larger than it is. This should make no practical difference in most systems.