This Month in RabbitMQ — September 2019
· 4 min read
Welcome back for another edition of This Month in RabbitMQ! Exciting news is that the first release candidate for RabbitMQ 3.8 is now available!
Be sure to catch up on what is new in 3.8 by reading the release notes and watching this webinar replay.
We are starting to countdown until RabbitMQ Summit in London on November 4. The RabbitMQ team is looking forward to sharing updates on the project, but we’re also looking forward to hearing from end-users like Bloomberg, WeWork, Softonic, and Zalando. Be sure to register and snag a spot in one of the training add-on courses.
Project updates
- First release candidate for RabbitMQ 3.8 is available for community testing
- Next generation Prometheus support has been thoroughly reviewed with the help of Brian Brazil
- Erlang 20.3 support is being discontinued soon. Please upgrade to a supported version
- New Spring Integration and Spring AMQP releases are available
- php-amqplib 2.10.0 is released
- JMS client 1.13.0 is released with a new feature (support for publisher confirms), bug fixes, and dependency upgrades
- Ra, our Raft implementation library, has gone 1.0
Community writings and resources
- August 1: Aidan Ruff published on RabbitMQ as an MQTT broker
- August 4: Antonio Musarra wrote about using CloudAMQP RabbitMQ service for MQTT
- August 5: TekLoon followed up on a post from July, this time about how they deploy a microservice to Heroku with RabbitMQ
- August 5: Júlio Falbo (@juliofalbo77) from TradeShift wrote about an open source library that helps integrate Spring Boot with RabbitMQ, as an alternative to Spring AMQP
- August 9: Erlang Solutions published a video from at a Meetup in Krakow where Szymon Mentel (@szymonmentel) presents examples of how to achieve high availability in RabbitMQ
- August 9: The Italian Agile Movement published a video of Gabriele Santomaggio (@GSantomaggio) speaking (in Italian) on microservices integration and how RabbitMQ compares to other open source messaging technologies
- August 12: Brant Burnett (@btburnett3) wrote about blue/green deployments in the context of messaging on Kubernetes using Shawarma
- August 12: Alexander Ma published the second part of an introduction to microservices using Python, Go, RabbitMQ, and Redis
- August 12: Wojciech Suwa?a published part 6 in a series on building microservices on .NET Core. This part was focused on real-time server-client communication with SignalR and RabbitMQ
- August 13: Radu Vunvulea (@RaduVunvulea) wrote about using MQTT protocol inside Azure with RabbitMQ on top of AKS
- August 16: Angga Kusumandaru (@ndaruoke) wrote about using RabbitMQ, Bunny and Sneakers to set up a publish and subscribe architecture in Ruby on Rails
- August 17: Marius Jaraminas published about What is RabbitMQ and Why it’s Needed?. He also published about how to avoid having a single messaging point of failure
- August 18: Luke Mwila (@LuKE9ine) wrote A Quick Guide To Understanding RabbitMQ & AMQP 0-9-1
- August 19: Marius Jaraminas at it again with RabbitMQ and Spring Cloud Stream
- August 21: Quintessence Anx (@QuintessenceAnx) published the first part of a blog series on monitoring RabbitMQ with the ELK Stack and
- August 22: Rocky Lhotka (@RockyLhotka) wrote about his recent work on a data portal channel based on using RabbitMQ as the underlying transport
- August 22: Olushola Karokatose (@Olushola_k) published about getting started with Golang by building a project with RabbitMQ
- August 23: Marlon Monçores wrote about using Spring Cloud Stream and RabbitMQ (in Portuguese)
- August 26: Surat Pyari (@suratpyaridb) published another part in her series on microservices with Sinatra, this time walking through how to queue requests with RabbitMQ
- August 26: Syed Sirajul Islam Anik (@sirajul_anik) wrote a thorough introduction to RabbitMQ
- August 28: Marius Jaraminas publishes a FOURTH blog on RabbitMQ Scalability Testing
- August 29: Nicolas Judalet (@JudaletNicolas) wrote an Introduction to Event-driven Architectures With RabbitMQ
- August 30: Mike Møller Nielsen (@MikeMoelNielsen) published a video explaining the fan-out, topic, and direct exchange types in RabbitMQ
Events and Training
Ready to learn more? Check out these upcoming opportunities to learn more about RabbitMQ
- 12 September 2019, Bern: DevOps Meetup on Observability and DevOps: Value Stream Mapping with RabbitMQ
- 30 September 2019, NYC: RabbitMQ Express
- 4 November 2019, London, UK: RabbitMQ Summit
- 5-6 November 2019, London, UK: Various trainings available as part of the RabbitMQ Summit
- 6-8 November 2019, London, UK: CodeMesh LDN features a talk from Ayande Dube (@dube_aya) on messaging wars: RabbitMQ, Kafka or ZeroMQ?
- On-demand, online at LearnFly: Learn RabbitMQ Asynchronous Messaging with Java and Spring
- On-demand, online at Udemy: RabbitMQ : Messaging with Java, Spring Boot And Spring MVC
- Online: $40 buys you early access to Marco Behler’s course, Building a real-world Java and RabbitMQ messaging (AMQP) application