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Classic Queues Operating in "Lazy" Queue Mode (A Lazy Queue)

What is a Lazy Queue

A "lazy queue" is a classic queue which is running in lazy mode. When the "lazy" queue mode is set, messages in classic queues are moved to disk as early as practically possible. These messages are loaded into RAM only when they are requested by consumers.

The other queue mode is the default mode. If no mode is specified during declaration, then the default mode is used.

It is important to read There is a Better Way: The Next Generation of Classic Queue Storage is to use Quorum Queues next.

There is a Better Way: The Next Generation of Classic Queue Storage is to use Quorum Queues

Before going into further detail about lazy queues, review the following information and recommendation and take appropriate next steps based on it.

  • Classic queues operated in lazy mode until RabbitMQ 3.12. It is important to know that from RabbitMQ 3.12 and onwards, this lazy queue mode is ignored. By default, in RabbitMQ 3.12, classic queues work in a similar manner to how classic queues worked with lazy mode running on them. Classic queues in RabbitMQ 3.12 may however keep a small number of messages in memory (up to 2048 at the time of writing) based on the consumption rate.

  • Quorum queues should be your default choice for a replicated queue type. Classic queue mirroring will be removed in a future version of RabbitMQ. Classic queues will remain a supported non-replicated queue type.

Quorum queues is the only replicated queue type as of RabbitMQ 4.0. Streams are another replicated messaging data structure.

A Deeper Dive into Lazy Queues

One of the main reasons for using lazy queues is to support very long queues (many millions of messages). Queues can become very long for various reasons:

  • consumers are offline / have crashed / are down for maintenance
  • there is a sudden message ingress spike, producers are outpacing consumers
  • consumers are slower than normal

By default, queues keep an in-memory cache of messages that is filled up as messages are published into RabbitMQ. The idea of this cache is to be able to deliver messages to consumers as fast as possible. Note that persistent messages can be written to disk as they enter the broker and kept in RAM at the same time.

Whenever the broker considers it needs to free up memory, messages from this cache will be paged out to disk. Paging a batch of messages to disk takes time and blocks the queue process, making it unable to receive new messages while it's paging. Even though recent versions of RabbitMQ improved the paging algorithm, the situation is still not ideal for use cases where you have many millions on messages in the queue that might need to be paged out.

Running classic queues in lazy queue mode attempts to move the messages above to disk as early as practically possible. This means significantly fewer messages are kept in RAM in the majority of cases under normal operation. This comes at a cost of increased disk I/O.

Making a Queue Lazy

Queues can be made to run in default mode or lazy mode by:

  • applying a queue policy (recommended)
  • setting the mode via queue.declare arguments

When both a policy and queue arguments specify a queue mode, the queue argument has priority over the policy value if both are specified.

If a queue mode is set via an optional argument at the time of declaration, it can only be changed by deleting the queue, and re-declaring it later with a different argument.

Using a policy

To specify a queue mode using a policy, add the key queue-mode to a policy definition, e.g.:

rabbitmqctl set_policy Lazy "^lazy-queue$" '{"queue-mode":"lazy"}' --apply-to queues
rabbitmqctl (Windows)
rabbitmqctl set_policy Lazy "^lazy-queue$" "{""queue-mode"":""lazy""}" --apply-to queues

This ensures the queue called lazy-queue will work in the lazy mode.

Policies can also be defined via management UI.

Changing Queue Mode at Runtime

If queue mode was configured via a policy, it is possible to change it at runtime without the need of deleting and re-declaring the queue. To make a queue named "lazy-queue" use the default (non-lazy) mode, update its matching policy to specify a different queue-mode:

rabbitmqctl set_policy Lazy "^lazy-queue$" '{"queue-mode":"default"}' --apply-to queues
rabbitmqctl (Windows)
rabbitmqctl set_policy Lazy "^lazy-queue$" "{""queue-mode"":""default""}" --apply-to queues

Using Arguments at the Time of Declaration

The queue mode can be set by supplying the x-queue-mode queue declaration argument with a string specifying the desired mode. Valid modes are:

  • "default"
  • "lazy"

If no mode is specified during declare, then "default" is assumed. The default mode is the behaviour already present in pre 3.6.0 versions of the broker, so there are no breaking changes in this regard.

This example in Java declares a queue with the queue mode set to "lazy":

  Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>();
args.put("x-queue-mode", "lazy");
channel.queueDeclare("myqueue", false, false, false, args);

Performance Considerations for Lazy Queues

Disk Utilization

A lazy queue will move its messages to disk as soon as practically possible, even if the message was published as transient by the publisher. This generally will result in higher disk I/O utilisation.

A regular queue will keep messages in memory for longer. This will result in delayed disk I/O which is less even (has more spikes) since more data will need to be written to disk at once.

RAM Utilization

While it's impossible to provide accurate numbers every use case, this is a simplistic test that showcases the difference in RAM utilization between a regular and a lazy queue:

Number of messagesMessage body sizeMessage typeProducersConsumers
1,000,0001,000 bytespersistent10

The RAM utilization for default and lazy queues after ingesting the above messages:

Queue modeQueue process memoryMessages in memoryMemory used by messagesNode memory
default257 MB386,307368 MB734 MB
lazy159 KB00117 MB

Both queues persisted 1,000,000 messages and used 1.2 GB of disk space.

Test Details

Below is a transcript of the test performed with a queue in the regular (default) mode:

# Start a temporary RabbitMQ node:
# export RABBITMQ_NODENAME=default-queue-test
# export RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE=/tmp
# rabbitmq-server &
# (the last command will fail if there is another RabbitMQ node already running)

# In a clone, run:
make run ARGS="-y 0 -s 1000 -f persistent -C 1000000 -u default -ad false"
# Run gmake on OS X

# Queue stats:
rabbitmqctl list_queues name arguments memory messages_ram message_bytes_ram messages_persistent message_bytes_persistent
Timeout: 60.0 seconds ...
Listing queues for vhost / ...
default [] 417421592 386307 386307000 1000000 1000000000

# Node memory stats
rabbitmq-diagnostics status | grep rss,

# Stop our temporary RabbitMQ node, clean all persistent files
# rabbitmqctl shutdown
# rm -fr /tmp/{log,$RABBITMQ_NODENAME*}

With a lazy queue the transcript is very similar:

# Use a different RABBITMQ_NODENAME
# All other variables remain the same as the previous example
# export RABBITMQ_NODENAME=lazy-queue-test

# In a clone, run:
make run ARGS="-y 0 -s 1000 -f persistent -C 1000000 -u lazy -qa x-queue-mode=lazy -ad false"
# Run gmake on OS X

Note that this was a very simplistic test. Please make sure to do benchmarks for your specific workload and use this test as a starting point.

Switching Queue Mode at Runtime

When converting a default queue into a lazy one, the performance impact on the operation is the same impact as when a queue needs to page messages to disk.

During a conversion from the regular mode to the lazy one, the queue will first page all messages kept in RAM to disk. It won't accept any more messages from publishing channels while that operation is in progress. After the initial pageout is done, the queue will start accepting publishes, acks, and other commands.

When a queue goes from the lazy mode to the default one, it will perform the same process as when a queue is recovered after a server restart: a batch of 16384 messages will be loaded into memory.

Caveats and Limitations

Lazy queues are appropriate when keeping node memory usage low is a priority and higher disk I/O and disk utilisation are acceptable. Lazy queues have other aspects that should be considered.

Node Startup

When a node is running and under normal operation, lazy queues will keep all messages on disk, the only exception being in-flight messages.

When a RabbitMQ node starts, all queues, including the lazy ones, will load up to 16,384 messages into RAM. If queue index embedding is turned on (the queue_index_embed_msgs_below configuration parameter is greater than 0), the payloads of those messages will be loaded into RAM as well.

For example, a lazy queue with 20,000 messages of 4,000 bytes each, will load 16,384 messages into memory. These messages will use 63MB of system memory. The queue process will use another 8.4MB of system memory, bringing the total to just over 70MB.

This is an important consideration for capacity planning if the RabbitMQ node is memory constrained, or if there are many lazy queues hosted on the node.

It is important to remember that an under-provisioned RabbitMQ node in terms of memory or disk space will fail to start.

Setting queue_index_embed_msgs_below to 0 will turn off payload embedding in the queue index. As a result, lazy queues will not load message payloads into memory on node startup. See the Persistence Configuration guide for details.

When setting queue_index_embed_msgs_below to 0 all messages will be stored to the message store. With many messages across many lazy queues, that can lead to higher disk usage and also higher file descriptor usage.

Message store is append-oriented and uses a compaction mechanism to reclaim disk space. In extreme scenarios it can use two times more disk space compared to the sum of message payloads stored on disk. It is important to overprovision disk space to account for such peaks.

All messages in the message store are stored in 16MB files called segment files or segments. Each queue has its own file descriptor for each segment file it has to access. For example, if 100 queues store 10GB worth of messages, there will be 640 files in the message store and up to 64000 file descriptors. Make sure the nodes have a high enough open file limit and overprovision it when in doubt (e.g. to 300K or 500K). For new installations it is possible to increase file size used by the message store using msg_store_file_size_limit configuration key. Never change segment file size for existing installations as that can result in a subset of messages being ignored by the node and can break segment file compaction.

Lazy Queues with Mixed Message Sizes

If all messages in the first 10,000 messages are below the queue_index_embed_msgs_below value, and the rest are above this value, only the first 10,000 will be loaded into memory on node startup.

Lazy Queues with Interleaved Message

Given the following interleaved message sizes:

Position in queueMessage size in bytes

Only the first 20 messages below the queue_index_embed_msgs_below value will be loaded into memory on node startup. In this scenario, messages will use 21KB of system memory, and queue process will use another 32KB of system memory. The total system memory required for the queue process to finish starting is 53KB.